Saturday, 16 November 2013


Ruwasunchis means, "let's all do it together"in Quechua. 

He's not technically within the 7-12 age range try saying no to that face.  He colours, I give him stickers, he puts them on his face, and we're all happy. 

The kids showing off their superior drawing skills.

This week's winner of a beautiful knitted hat, all the way from Australia!  Thank you LD and family. 

This is what a papaya tree looks like - who knew!

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Not your average door

In the historic centre.  During colonial times, doors were built large enough so that those on horseback could ride directly into the main courtyard from the street.

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Rhyme & Reason

Crouching due to the short stature of our photographer.